Take a step forward
上前一步 2017年10月26日,在意大利罗马,开幕影片《敌对分子》(Hostiles)导演斯科特·库珀(左)和演员罗莎蒙德·派克(中)、韦斯·斯塔迪亮相罗马电影节开幕式红毯。
A group shot is one of the most common set-ups for a photo on a night out but how do you make sure you stand out from the crowd?
Fisher suggests taking a small step of the rest of the group so you are positioned slightly in front. "That position can give the effect of being taller," he explained.
If looking a little on the short-side is a concern then ask the photographer to shoot from a lower angle so the lens is pointing upwards.
Stand front and centre
Another tip for standing out in a group shot is to take the centre position. 拍合影时更显眼的另一办法是站在中间。
It might seem domineering to insist on being in the middle, but it is the easiest way to ensure you'll like how you look in the photo. 坚持站在中间似乎有些霸道,但这是确保拍出绝佳上镜照片最简单的办法。
Fisher explained: "That way you are at the centre of attention and you are not standing at an angle that is showing off your least favorite side." 费希尔解释说:“这样你就成为众人瞩目的焦点,也不会把你最差的一面展示在镜头前。”
Work out your quirks
Stars like Beyoncé might look effortless on the red carpet but part of that natural look is down to the practice they put in before getting in front of the camera.
Fisher said: "To really perfect your pose, it’s important to spend some time practising in front of a mirror and observing the various positions, pouts and poses you have."
"Take note of what you are most comfortable with and if there are some quirks that you want to avoid such as fidgeting with your outfit or hair."
For inspiration take a look at your favourite celebrities and try and mimic their best on-camera looks.
Try this fail-safe pose
这样站立绝对没错 2017年9月7日,在意大利威尼斯,演员亚历克西娅·沙达尔(左)和梅琳达亮相影片《宿命》首映式红毯。新华社记者金宇摄
No matter what pose you go for, there is one fail-safe option that you can always fall back on.
"Be sure to keep your chin up, look straight down the camera lens and stand tall for a more flattering pose," Fisher said.
Most importantly, feel confident.
Fisher added: "Standing with confidence and being comfortable in your stance is most important when being photographed."