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心若水随风 该用户已被删除
发表于 2012-3-15 18:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP:广东阳江
众所周知,硅谷地价今非昔比,连雅虎位于硅谷地区的中心城市——圣何塞市(SAN JOSE)的办公大楼挂牌租售好多个月都无人问津。这个项目的位置,土地根本不值钱。大家也非常清楚,开发商在此项目中股权占到6200万美元(除了土地没有其它投入,而地价非常便宜),银行贷款3500万美元,而要求的EB-5投资移民资金为9300万美元(186位投资者)。这还仅仅是项目第一期的资金,且EB-5投资人的资金占到第一期总投资额的近50%。任何的EB-5融资项目,投资人资金比例都是越小越安全,而不是EB-5投资人数越少越安全。


2、项目就业模式仍然还在利用移民局2012年2月17日已经否决的租赁就业(Tenant Occupancy)模式。







5,Henry Global究竟是一家什么样的公司?
抛开HENRY GLOBAl内部管理混乱等因素不谈,近期HENRY GLOBAL做的项目纷纷出现问题。最好的例子就是目前已经被移民局否定掉的南达科他州的电厂项目,如果我们的记忆没有错,当时HENRY GLOBAL的宣传是什么已开工项目,资金安全且筹措到位等等,但如今的结果是,200个投资人的I526都批不下来。而开发商也不愿意将募集到的资金拱手让出。最惨的是我们的EB-5投资人,报着良好的愿望,但不能拿到本该拿到的绿卡,而资金也被陷入官司的泥潭中久久不能退回。

Northern Beef Packers facility in Aberdeen, South Dakota, late 2011
As we've seen with other EB-5 visa offerings, foreign and U.S. promoters rarely hesitate to portray projects positively before prospective EB-5 investors – whether there's anything positive to portray or not.
And despite the NBP project's history of liens, property tax delinquency, and multiple lawsuits over the last several years, the press it gets in China is, from what we can tell, quite favorable.
Brian Su of the Artisan Business Group, who assisted SDRC in promoting several offerings that include the NBP project, has called SDRC "one of the most solid regional centers in [the] Chinese market." Even the Office of the Governor of South Dakota sent officials to China to promote the effort and lend validity to the notion that NBP's new facility was a great opportunity.
The SDRC position
When it comes to the most recent lawsuit, SDRC principal Joop Bollen doesn't think the Henry Global-recruited plaintiffs have a case. He says that all essential information was disclosed to the investors in full and that it's Henry Global that wants SDRC to release additional information.
Seminar hosted by Henry Global Consulting Group
The way he sees it, Henry Global either wants to frighten SDRC into pressuring NBP to pay the disputed fees or it wants to destroy SDRC entirely in retaliation for its not receiving the commissions NBP can rightfully claim the promoter never earned. Either scenario, Bollen says, stems from the fact that Henry Global knows it can't go after NBP directly because it simply cannot make the case that it performed according to the agreement.
"I've been speaking to the limited partners," he said. "They don't know whether to trust me or Henry Global."
Seminar hosted by Henry Global Consulting Group
Bollen's chief concern is that a pending lawsuit could halt the flow of state and local dollars to the project, effectively putting progress at a standstill. "The state told us they would sit back and wait," he said. "I think they now understand that it's not a serious lawsuit. The biggest issue is that this could freeze the project by holding back the funding."
SDRC pays agents a commission of $30,000 per investor, which Bollen says is standard. He also says he was not party to the agreement NBP made with Henry Global. The agency is "simply attempting to destroy SDRC at any cost, even if that is at the expense of investors Henry Global recruited," he said.

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